Benefits of Natural Light

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While artificial lighting certainly has its place in commercial buildings, natural light has been shown to offer a range of benefits to building occupants. Many modern office buildings are designed around natural light for this very reason. For most of us, a majority of the daylight hours are spent in the workplace, so it’s no wonder that the desk by the window becomes the most coveted position in the office. Beyond the superficial benefit of having a nice view, employees who enjoy a good amount of natural light during their day also enjoy improved health, well-being, and productivity – while businesses simultaneously enjoy improved revenues. Read on to learn more about these benefits of natural light. 

Improved health

It is common knowledge that exposure to natural light is essential for good physical health. It is our easiest source of vitamin D, which is important for our bodies’ ability to absorb several key nutrients. Natural light is also pivotal for healthy natural sleeping patterns. Because the white light from the sun is what sets our internal clocks or circadian rhythms, those who get greater exposure to natural light tend to sleep better and longer. This has resonating health benefits as healthy sleep patterns are connected to better health overall. And improved health is an ideal outcome that not only positively impacts employees but their employers too. Something as simple as commercial skylights can potentially cut down on sick days.

Improved well-being

Vitamin D is not just necessary for good physical health, but it also impacts a person’s sense of well-being. Natural light has been shown to combat depression and elevate moods, even help with chronic pain. For employers, having a staff that is in a good mood does a lot of good in the workplace. For example, Pacific Gas & Electric studied the impact of skylights across several Walmarts in the same geographic area. The study reported that the Walmarts that had more natural light from the skylights had 40% higher sales than the Walmarts that only used fluorescent lighting. Employees and customers alike could feel the positive effects of natural light. 

Improved productivity

Employees who enjoy a good amount of natural light during their workday are more productive than those who do not. While improved health and well-being directly impact productivity in decreased sick days and elevated mood, those with natural light in their workplace also say they feel more engaged. This increased level of engagement allows employees to better focus and collaborate, getting more done with more successful outcomes. 

Improved revenues

A more productive workforce certainly has its positive impacts on revenue generation for a business, but there are other ways natural light in the workplace influences the bottom line. For anyone who has worked with home remodeling contractors to install large windows or skylights, it is no surprise that those features help to increase the home’s value. Plenty of natural light is a key selling point. The same is true for commercial buildings. Prospective tenants are more likely to pay more for a space that provides ample natural light. Additionally, building owners who install features that promote natural light experience a reduction in energy costs as building occupants don’t need to rely only on electricity to light the space. 

Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights has been serving the Bay Area since 1983. We are experienced home remodeling contractors, commercial skylight experts & siding contractors. We enjoy working with homeowners & businesses to ensure their vision becomes a reality. Contact us today to get started on your next project!

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