5 Important Traits to Look for When Hiring Skylight Contractors

5 Important Traits to Look for When Hiring Skylight Contractors - Mares & Dow

You understand the many benefits of installing skylights in your home or at your business. Sunlight not only brightens a room, but it also brightens the mood of everyone exposed to it. Opening a skylight circulates fresh air, which is an especially important benefit for cramped office spaces. Installing skylights at a residential property increases the property’s value, while a business benefits from positive customer responses. Now, the time has arrived to hire a team of skylight contractors to install one or more skylights.

The question no longer is should you install skylights? Instead, the question becomes what are the five most important traits to look for when hiring skylight contractors?

Positive Reputation

Virtually every website that you access for a skylight contractor contains several customer testimonials. Although customer testimonials can provide you with insight into the reputation of a skylight contractor, a better measure of a contractor’s reputation is to speak with a few former customers. In addition, you should read the customer reviews left on sites such as Yelp and Google, as well as review the Better Business Bureau (BBB) page devoted to the contractor.

Proper Professional Credentials

Whenever you plan to hire any home improvement contractor, you should ensure the contractor possesses the proper professional credentials, which means verifying the business has acquired sufficient insurance and earned the right licenses and certifications. Possessing the right credentials is a sign a contractor values professionalism. With insurance, you want to gain peace of mind knowing you are protected in case of an accident. If you plan to install Velux residential skylights, ask the contractor if the installers have completed the Velux Certified Installer Program.

Outstanding Customer Service

How a contractor interacts with you goes a long way in determining the success of a skylight installation project. A contractor that provides outstanding customer service promptly returns emails, phone calls, and text messages in a helpful and friendly way. You should be able to get every one of your questions answered without having to endure complex industry jargon. Outstanding customer service also entails the willingness of a contractor to change project deadlines.

The best skylight contractors do more than just install skylights.


“You get what you paid for” is an especially relevant saying for a skylight installation project. Although you do not want to cut financial corners with this type of property improvement project, you also want to stay within your family or business budget. The lowest price is often not the best option because you might receive inferior quality work. However, you should find an affordable team of skylight contractors that do not bust your budget.

Cooperativity & Teamwork

The last thing you need is to deal with a team of contractors that constantly bicker among themselves. Teamwork plays a significant role in determining the outcome of any home improvement project, including one that involves installing skylights. You can obtain a good idea about the collaboration among skylight contractors by observing them for a few minutes while they review your project guidelines and take a look at where you want the skylights installed.

One more tip: Consider a team of skylight contractors that have experience with roofing projects. You might have roof maintenance issues that a team of skylight contractors can point out to save you money in the long run.

Mares & Dow

Contact your local skylight contractors at Mares & Dow Construction and Skylights today to transform your home. We have over 40 years of installation and consulting experience.

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