Waterproofing your basement is important, not just to protect your belongings but also to maintain the quality of the foundation of your home. In the San Francisco Bay Area’s drier climate where rain comes now and again, a leak could remain unnoticed for a while, and because the soil is dry, when a large rainfall comes, the soil may runoff causing water to interact with the foundation differently over time. As housing prices increase, more homeowners are looking to finish their basement, either for storage or additional living space. Waterproofing is where protecting your investment in your home begins. This is why waterproofing your basement in the San Francisco Bay Area is important.
Check Drainage
There are several strategies for waterproofing your basement and the right solution for you depends on the origin of the water. Water can be entering your basement because of inadequate drainage or due to the water moving through the soil. If your home has poor drainage, the water running off your roof does not move away from your home. In this situation, you can extend downspouts, clean gutters, and increase grading around your house. You can start by checking your gutters and cleaning and repairing any damage you see. Downspouts should be placing water at least four feet away from your home for adequate damage. Lastly, look at the soil around your home to ensure it is sloping away from your home.
Employ Sealants
These drainage steps can help move water away from your home but may not solve your current or future water issues. Due to the intermittent rain in the Bay Area, it is possible that water will continue to change its flow year over year. To address these issues, you will need interior sealant, exterior sealants, or other exterior drainage methods. To stop water from damaging your basement, you can use interior wall and floor sealers. This is a category of sealants that prevent water from entering your basement by creating a waterproof interior. These are usually silicate-based, acrylic waterproof paint, or concrete waterproof coatings.
French Drains
Keeping water from coming in contact with your basement foundation is often a preferred waterproofing strategy, yet requires different methods. To keep water that moves through the soil from backing up against your foundation, exterior drainage such as a French drain can keep water away from your home. A French drain is a subsurface drain that directs water safely away from your home. Exterior sealants are effective to keep water from entering your basement walls. This requires removing the soil around your home and placing a sealant around the foundation to keep water out.
Often a combination of drainage improvements and sealants is the best choice for homes. This depends on the land around your home and your foundation. Contact the general contractors at Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights today to learn more about waterproofing your basement.