Retaining Your Home’s Charm Through Your Remodel

Retaining Your Home’s Charm Through Your Remodel - home remodeling contractors - Mares & Dow

You have spent a considerable amount of time planning for your home remodeling project. One issue that presents an obstacle for your home remodeling project involves deciding how to retain the charm of your house. Hiring a team of experienced and highly-rated home remodeling contractors should help you achieve your remodeling goals, while retaining the charm of your home.

Charm is one of several characteristics that define curb appeal, which is how neighbors and visitors to the neighborhood view the outside décor of your house. Charm also is an integral characteristic of the interior décor. If you have watched a house-buying show on HGTV, you understand the importance of retaining the charm during a remodeling project because of the value that charm adds to the price of your house.

How to Retain Your Home’s Charm

Before you start the home remodeling project, write down a list of everything that you love about your house. You also should ask for input from friends and family members to discover which features deliver the charm required to attract the interest of potential home buyers. Do you love the original woodwork that exudes a rustic ambiance? Does the hardwood flooring generate a sophisticated feeling? Is cedar siding that has been installed by siding contractors a strong selling point that delivers the charm factor? Other features that might be worth retaining during a remodel include pocket doors, crown molding, and original hardware.

Reasonable Expectations

After writing down a list of the most charming features of your home that you want to retain during a remodeling project, the next item on your to-do list should be to have reasonable expectations when determining which features should stay and which features have to go. Some charming features such as a fireplace or sliding bookcase might not be reasonable features to save for both design and budgetary reasons.

You cannot expect to keep every charming feature of your house during a remodeling project.

Think Addition, Not Subtraction

Saving the best features that help your home exude charm is not all about deciding which features you can afford to remove. You also should consider adding charming features during a remodeling project. In fact, a remodeling project represents the best opportunity for you to enhance the charm of your home. This is especially true for outdoor features, such as the installation of residential skylights and expanding the size of the garage.

Save the Light Fixtures

Certain types of light fixtures add a tremendous amount of charm and character, regardless of the change in the design of a room or a series of rooms. If you decide to complete an overhaul of a room, search for light fixtures that exemplify the era of the ambiance you want to project. Reproduction light fixtures represent charming additions to any room in your home.

Optimize the Charm of Window Treatments

Older homes include windows that have drapes or curtains that add charming panache. Your home does not have to be old for it to benefit from window treatments. Window treatments add a contemporary feel, without lessening the impact of charming windows. They also add beauty, color, and texture to a room.

Above all, be patient with a home remodeling project to ensure you do not overlook any features that should retain their charm.

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