One of your responsibilities as a business owner is to keep your workers motivated. Businesses do best when their workers are inspired to work hard. While there are a multitude of ways to inspire your workers, you can always count on the fundamentals of well-being.
A basic fundamental is access to natural light, particularly during the daytime. If your office doesn’t have many windows, or is large enough that your workers are seated beyond daylight’s reach, you can contact commercial skylight installers to open up your ceiling and allow light from above.
If you’re uncertain about how commercial skylights, such as sun tunnels, can contribute to well-being, know that they can inspire your workers in two key ways:
Natural light helps them stay awake
You can’t control when your workers sleep or if they get enough rest at home, but you can influence their sleep schedules with natural light.
A lack of natural light interrupts the circadian rhythm, which functions as the body’s internal clock and helps determine when to fall asleep and stay awake. Relying heavily on artificial lights, which can be 250 times dimmer than natural light, further throws off the circadian rhythm. A worker who spends their eight-hour workday in an artificially-lit office might be sleepier, because their body clock doesn’t have natural light to prompt its understanding of time.
Exposure to natural light can align the body clock with the daycycle, prompting your workers to stay awake. If your workers consistently work in natural light, their circadian rhythms will shift into a more natural pattern. They’ll be inclined to sleep in the evening, and wake earlier in the morning. Some workers might reduce their caffeine intake and use your skylight as a natural energy boost.
Natural light increases their comfort
Another way to inspire workers is to make their work space comfortable. A Cornell University professor found that people who work in daylight offices have significantly lower incidences of eyestrain, headaches, and drowsiness. People have a harder time focusing on work when they’re uncomfortable. If their discomfort is continuous, it can compound into an overall decrease in their well-being and a poor employee experience.
Unhappy workers don’t stay at businesses for long, and while they’re still working for you, they won’t be inclined to work hard for your business. By adjusting your office to increase your employees’ comfort, you show workers you care for their well-being. This can inspire them to work more productively, and to speak well about your business to job candidates.
Ready to turn your daylight office dream into a reality? Contact the commercial skylight installers at Mares & Dow Construction and Skylights today for information.