Daily Archives:May 15th, 2024

Did You Know There Are Many Types of Skylights?

Did You Know There Are Many Types of Skylights - Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights

When it comes to illuminating and enhancing interior spaces with natural light, VELUX skylight contractors frequently install a variety of skylight styles and models for homeowners. Renowned for their quality, innovation, and versatility, VELUX offers a wide range of skylight options to suit various design preferences and functional needs. From traditional fixed skylights to innovative modern models, there’s a VELUX skylight type for every application.

Fixed Skylights

Fixed skylights are the most common type installed by authorized skylight contractors and serve as a simple yet effective way to bring natural light into a space. VELUX fixed skylights feature a sleek, low-profile design and are available in various sizes to fit different roof configurations. These skylights provide uninterrupted views of the sky and are ideal for rooms where ventilation is not a priority, such as attics, hallways, or stairwells.

Ventilated Skylights

Ventilated skylights offer the added benefit of ventilation, allowing fresh air to circulate and stale air to escape. VELUX ventilated skylights feature innovative designs that enable them to be opened and closed manually, with a hand crank, or electronically, using remote control or smartphone apps. Some models even feature rain sensors that automatically close the skylight in case of inclement weather, providing peace of mind and convenience for homeowners.

Flat Roof Skylights

Flat roof skylights are specifically designed for buildings with flat or low-pitched roofs, offering a seamless integration with modern architectural styles. VELUX flat roof skylights feature sleek, minimalist frames and are available in various shapes, including square, rectangular, and circular. These skylights can be installed flush with the roof surface or raised for enhanced aesthetics and functionality. VELUX flat roof skylights are perfect for residential and commercial applications, adding natural light and visual appeal to any space.

Sun Tunnels

VELUX sun tunnels, also known as sun pipes or light tubes, are a unique skylight solution for bringing natural light into interior spaces with limited roof access. Sun tunnels consist of a small roof-mounted dome that captures sunlight and directs it through a highly reflective tube into the room below. VELUX sun tunnels are available in various sizes and configurations, including rigid and flexible tube options, allowing for flexible installation in a wide range of spaces.

Custom Skylights

For homeowners with unique design preferences or architectural requirements, VELUX offers custom skylight solutions tailored to specific needs. Custom skylights can be designed to fit unconventional roof shapes, accommodate special glazing options, or integrate seamlessly with existing architectural features. Mares & Dow installations allow homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a truly personalized lighting experience for their homes.

VELUX skylights offer a diverse range of options to suit every taste and requirement, from fixed and ventilated skylights to sun tunnels and custom solutions. Whether you’re looking to brighten up a room, improve ventilation, or enhance architectural design, VELUX skylights provide innovative and reliable solutions for bringing natural light into your home. Explore the wide selection of VELUX skylights and discover how they can transform your living space into a brighter, more inviting environment.

Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights

Contact your local VELUX skylight contractor at Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights today to transform your home. We have over 40 years of installation and consulting experience.

© Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights, Inc.
Customer rating: 4.5 / 5 Mares Dow Rating based on 57 reviews
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